Program Manager’s Moment- December 2018

Well… the Holidays are in full swing, the parties, the goodies, the warmth of family and friends…for most of us anyway. I thought we might spare a thought or two this season for the ones among us who are struggling at this time of year. The first word of CERT is Community, and if we truly are a community, then we need to care for each other as a family would. There are friends in our circles right now who may be suffering from loneliness, the loss of a loved one, health problems, job loss, drug or alcohol issues.. You know the list. Let’s take a moment or two this December to check in on each other, and offer the hand of friendship where we can, the shoulder to lean on, or the ear to bend. Let’s be a friend, make a friend, or help a friend. Let us remember that a community is built on bonds of trust and kindness. And let’s all have a safe, happy, and very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!


Greg St. James
CERT Program Manager
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue
PSHQ 2nd Floor
100 Edison Park Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20878