November 2018 finds me reflecting on how quickly time passes. When we are younger we think that some things last forever, and the future is impossibly far away. Were that it was so… however, as we mature a bit, we learn that all good things must come to an end. Change is the true constant. A change has come to our corner of the world with the retirement of our Division Chief Alan Hinde. Chief Hinde became the first ever Chief of the Division of Volunteer Services in 2006 and has served a total of 44 years with the RVFD and MCFRS. Chief Hinde cited ongoing health concerns as the primary reason for retiring now.
It has been a distinct privilege to work with Chief Hinde both at the RVFD and here as CERT Program Manager. Alan has been a leader, a mentor, and a friend. Montgomery CERT has had no greater supporter and cheerleader than Chief Hinde. He brought vision, clarity, and a mischievous sense of humor to every situation.
On behalf of all of my fellow CERT members, we wish Alan and his family every success and good wish in the future. Thank you Chief for a job well done!
Greg St. James

From Left to Right: Kathee Henning, Dave Mroz, Jennifer Hobson, Greg St. James, Div. Chief Alan Hinde, Ron Pendleton, Carl Brill, Molly Christian