Program Manger’s Moment September 2022

As Labor Day rolls through… wow it’s been a busy CERT Summer! Our Go Team has been very busy this summer with planned events and our mission from MCFRS to deploy CERT 700 and a crew on large scale events that take place on very hot days. We set up a cooling station and assist responding units in rehab and hydration. Our team also supported a Presidential visit to Rockville this August.

Our Outreach team led by Kevin Barth has been busy this summer with events at the Nation Cancer Institute and The Montgomery County Fair.  Kevin and his team are hard at work planning this falls Storm Camp, which is linked on the home page.

Our Go Team bid a temporary goodbye to our first Commander Dave Mroz who relocated out of the area for a 2 year assignment. Dave continues to be involved long distance, and we hope to see him back in a couple of years!  The new Go Team Coordinator is Tom Espina, with Joe Massi as his deputy. Congrats Dave, Tom, and Joe!

Davis Steele and Kristen Wear traveled to Galveston Texas to attend and teach at the National CERT Conference this summer. We look forward to a full report of what they saw and learned there.

Speaking of conferences, the NCR CERT Consortium has been planning this year’s CERT CON, ‘The Future Focus of CERT”, linked on the home page. Please register early!

The MC CERT training team had a full summer with Lee Silverman and Jeremy Gruber teaching an Emergency Medical Responder class for over 20 of our members. Well Done all! David, Brett and the instructor corps are gearing up for this fall’s CERT Basic class also linked on the home page.

Great job by Jennifer and our colleague John Hardison at DVS in getting folks into PIMS and CERVIS. The process has improved greatly recently thanks to their hard work!

And a tip of the helmet to our CERTs who have recently become certified EMTs: Ron Pendleton and Gerry Adcock.  They have put in a ton of hard work to achieve that goal and reflect well on our organization.

Watch CERVIS carefully for all the fall opportunities to serve with CERT.


CERT Outreach Team at Montgomery County Fair
CERT Go Team at POTUS Event In Rockville with CERT 700
CERT Go Team at POTUS Event in Rockville