Program Manager’s Minute

Program Manager’s Moment- December 2018

Well… the Holidays are in full swing, the parties, the goodies, the warmth of family and friends…for most of us anyway. I thought we might spare a thought or two this season for the ones among us who are struggling at this time of year. The first word of CERT […]

Program Manager’s Moment- November, 2018

November 2018 finds me reflecting on how quickly time passes. When we are younger we think that some things last forever, and the future is impossibly far away.  Were that it was so… however, as we mature a bit, we learn that all good things must come to an end. […]

Program Manager’s Moment- October 2018

October is here bringing changing colors, falling leaves, and lots of CERT activities. We continue Friends and family CPR classes, GoTeam drills and planning, general meeting presentations, 800 MHz radio training, and outreach events. As I look at the list of volunteers and events, I am reminded that as in […]