
Program Manager’s Moment- May/June 2022

As you can see the Montgomery County CERT website has a new look. What seems to have happened overnight is actually the result of many months of work by our wonderful IT team of Jay Kaplon and Jennifer St. James, with help from many of our CERT members. A special […]

Program Manager’s Moment January 1, 2022

Happy New Year! As year two of the pandemic ends, and year three begins, I want to thank each of you for your dedication to each other and our program under trying circumstances. We may soon need to answer the call again as CERT members setting an example of preparedness […]

Program Manager’s Moment- August 2021

As we move into the fall MC CERT has been busy as ever. Congrats to our CERT Basic graduates who patiently waited for many months of lockdowns etc. before we were able to offer an in-person practicum this July. Welcome all! We are also once again offering in person CPR […]