Hello State/Territory/FEMA CERT Coordinators and NCA Leadership,
(Please share this email with your CERT network as appropriate)
We are excited to share that US Senator Butler has introduced a bill to bolster Federal investments in Disaster Preparedness (https://www.butler.senate.gov/press-releases/butler-introduces-legislation-to-bolster-federal-investments-in-disaster-preparedness/). (See below)
The bill includes support for the CERT program:
“Support for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs and equivalent non-governmental organizations, by facilitating the establishment of mutual aid agreements supportive of such teams, providing or facilitating regular training, outreach, and soliciting participation in preparedness exercises, and other activities.”
The link above includes links to the bill and additional information.
The National CERT Association encourages all CERT programs to show their support for the bill by clicking on the Endorsement link in the attached one-pager on the bill.
Carie Chouinard
Chair of Legislative Affairs and Public Policy, National CERT Association