CERT Meetings

Program Manager’s Moment- April, 2019

Happy April to all! Congrats to our new slate of 2019/20 CERT officers elected on April 11 for a one-year term. Thank you to the other candidates and our election committee for all of their efforts. Please visit our http://montgomerycert.org/about_us/personnel/ page for an updated list of our leadership team, as […]

Marcie Roth Visits our October 2018 CERT General Meeting!

Marcie Roth was able to visit Montgomery CERT and the October General Membership Meeting to present the topic of CERT and the disability population. To view this, please click the link below.   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ea8XBYYLgHv-T3NUL6CpO2a0tvInpOtX/view?usp=sharing