CERT Members

Program Manager’s Moment- April, 2019

Happy April to all! Congrats to our new slate of 2019/20 CERT officers elected on April 11 for a one-year term. Thank you to the other candidates and our election committee for all of their efforts. Please visit our http://montgomerycert.org/about_us/personnel/ page for an updated list of our leadership team, as […]

Program Manager’s Moment- March 2019

As we roll into spring 2019 there is a lot to report on: CERT Basic 19-01 is well underway with an engaged (and engaging!) group of new CERT students. Grant funding is being renewed for the next cycle, so I hope to be able to announce date for CERT Basic 19-02 […]

Program Manager’s Moment- February, 2019

Welcome to Montgomery CERT 2019. This year looks to be a very active one for MC CERT. We expect to offer multiple CERT Basic classes, CERT refresher classes, CPR for friends, family and the community, a Teen CERT class, and much more. Our Go Team has a number of active […]