Jennifer St. James

Program Manager’s Moment- December 2018

Well… the Holidays are in full swing, the parties, the goodies, the warmth of family and friends…for most of us anyway. I thought we might spare a thought or two this season for the ones among us who are struggling at this time of year. The first word of CERT […]

Successful CERT Refresher Training!

Yesterday, we had over 35 attendees at the CERT skills refresher course. Thanks to David Steele & Kristen Wear for teaching the class. Participants brushed up on RPM, head-to-toe assessments and other essential CERT related skills. It was a busy 3 hours of training, and everyone received certificates at the […]

Marcie Roth Visits our October 2018 CERT General Meeting!

Marcie Roth was able to visit Montgomery CERT and the October General Membership Meeting to present the topic of CERT and the disability population. To view this, please click the link below.